Project Economic Analyses, Evaluations, & More

For reliable technical studies, financial analyses, and comprehensive economic evaluations, count on GCC. We provide reservoir engineering, geoscience, and project economic analyses to upstream and midstream energy companies and financial institutions worldwide.
Through our association with Graves & Co., we provide complete due diligence review and advisory services for clients pursuing mergers or acquisitions of assets throughout the energy spectrum in a comprehensive, effective, and timely manner.

Staffed with Experienced Personnel

Our firm comprises seasoned personnel with extensive experience in the domestic and international energy industry. Their knowledge as petroleum production and reservoir engineers, geologists, geoscientists, and petroleum economists enables them to provide our clients with various complex solutions.

Our Services:

  • Certification of Reserves for Regulatory & Financial Reporting
  • Assessment of Proved & Non-Proved Reserves in Conventional & Unconventional Resource Plays
  • Risk Assessment & Portfolio Management, including Engineering, Geological, & Economic Risk Analysis
  • Fair Market Value Studies
  • Geological & Depositional Studies
  • Expert Witness Testimony & Litigation Support
  • Preparation of Engineering Reports
  • Determination of 3P Reserves & Resources
  • Field Development Studies
  • Acquisition Analysis & Sales Package Preparation
  • Preparation of a Competent Person’s Report
  • Natural Gas Storage Projects
  • CCUS Capabilities

Certification of Reserves for Regulatory & Financial Reporting

When financial requirements or securities regulations require an independent third-party evaluation of properties, GCC prepares reserve reports for private and public corporations. Our reports are provided to banks and securities exchanges in the clients' home countries.

Preparation of Engineering Reports

GCC prepares independent third-party engineering reports that clients utilize for their short- and long-term planning of business operations, for meeting the financial requirements of capital providers, and for reserve-based lending considerations. These reports typically reflect developed and undeveloped properties, reserves and resources, and evaluations under both SEC and PRMS guidelines of reserve classifications.
Technical team members have prepared evaluations of coal, uranium, and salt mines and reserve estimates of non-hydrocarbon gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium.

Assessment of Proved & Non-Proved Reserves in Conventional & Unconventional Resource Plays

GCC prepares independent third-party engineering reports that clients utilize for their short- and long-term planning of business operations, for meeting the financial requirements of capital providers, and for reserve-based lending considerations. These reports typically reflect developed and undeveloped properties, reserves and resources, and evaluations under both SEC and PRMS guidelines of reserve classifications.
Technical team members have prepared evaluations of coal, uranium, and salt mines and reserve estimates of non-hydrocarbon gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium.

Determination of 3P Reserves & Resources

We provide complete evaluation studies estimating the proved, probable, and probable reserves and contingent or prospective resources of a field or project. Evaluations of 1P, 2P or 3P reserves resources can be prepared utilizing deterministic or probabilistic methods.

Risk Assessment & Portfolio Management, including Engineering, Geological, & Economic Risk Analysis

We provide project risk assessment utilizing software solutions, such as @Risk, Crystal Ball, and Monte Carlo Simulations, performing decision tree and time series analyses and preparing probabilistic analyses of estimates of reserves and resources. Project-specific economic models can be developed to provide early studies of proposed joint ventures and fiscal regimes in non-traditional ventures.
Our economic risk models integrate geologic and engineering risks presented by drilling and completion programs, particularly those in emerging regions, to provide our clients with a full spectrum of economic considerations for review.

Field Development Studies

GCC can integrate all aspects of available technical data to estimate a study area's reserve and resource potential and determine the economic parameters associated with the development plan.
Considerations include the geological and geophysical data, maximizing recoveries under primary depletion methods, calculating the eventual impact of down-spacing in an unconventional play, estimating the possibility of a secondary recovery design and analysis, and preparing total project and incremental economic analysis.

Acquisition Analysis & Sales Package Presentation

Together with Graves & Co., the firm presents one of the industry's most discipline-integrated organizations ready to assist clients in evaluating and acquiring oil and gas properties. Personnel within the firm have worked with Graves & Co. for over 20 years providing reservoir engineering and geological evaluations of clients' acquisition targets and assistance in preparing sales packages for the industry.
Our firm can prepare cursory initial reviews, immediate detailed analysis of assets for sale, value estimates of multiple development scenarios, and preparation of bids, as well as assist in the due diligence process of all types of properties.
Assets can be evaluated for sale with support and documentation material organized and cataloged for distribution, either in printed form or electronically. GCC can handle the technical aspects of the sales process with the creation of virtual data rooms, executive presentations in the data room and assistance through closing and post-closing.

Fair Market Value Studies

The GCC team has experience in the preparation of fair market value studies for use in asset transfers, estate valuations, tax disputes, or litigation, and these have been prepared for individuals, non-profit organizations, companies, law firms, courts, and others requiring an independent third-party evaluation based upon a non-encumbered transaction analysis.
The studies can determine the value attributable to producing assets, non-producing properties, and mineral interests associated with domestic or international investments. These evaluations have been widely accepted and are backed by several acceptable industry value-determination methods.

Competent Person’s Report

Members of the GCC team can provide a Competent Person’s Report (CPR) detailing engineering, geological, and economic assessments for filing with an offering memorandum for either an initial public offering or an updated filing on a listed stock exchange. Team members have prepared CPRs for submission to the London Stock Exchange - Alternative Investment Market (AIM), the Toronto Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Exchange, and the Australian Exchange.

Geological & Depositional Studies

GCC provides geological and depositional studies in areas related to exploration programs where geological datea may be sparse and unavailable, especially in international basins. These studies generally include petrophysical analysis, reservoir characterization, and depositional models.
Geophysical data and interpretation are incorporated when data is available. Geological risks are generally applied to arrive at reasonable expectations of hydrocarbon development. Several of these studies have been included in Competent Person's Reports developed on international projects by our team members.

Natural Gas Storage Projects

Team members have performed feasibility studies to determine the capability of technically and economically converting depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs to natural gas storage and developing aquifers into storage reservoirs. The projects include feasibility studies, geological reviews, engineering reviews of reservoir potential, and surface facility demands. In addition, our team has participated in the study, design, and expansion of existing depleted storage facilities.
The team has also prepared annual inventory reports of storage capacity for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Expert Witness Testimony & Litigation Support

Our team members have appeared as expert witnesses on behalf of clients in district, state, and federal courts. These include regulatory filings, bankruptcy court, civil litigation, and arbitration hearings. We also provide litigation support to law firms requiring reservoir engineering or geological expertise.

CCUS Capabilities

For CO2 capture, transportation, and storage projects, our firms can provide a “one-stop shop” for the project’s land, permitting, engineering, geological, and environmental requirements.
We have an integrated team of landmen, engineers, and geologists with outside environmental, drilling, and permitting professionals with whom we frequently have worked and whose judgment we trust. Our engineers have considerable experience and capabilities concerning gas storage in depleted reservoirs and aquifers. Read More